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October 12, 2024 @ 12:00 pm 1:00 pm

Our annual Parade of Heroes, hosted by the Morris Animal Foundation, will be held during the lunch break on October 12th.

Morris Animal Foundation, the Golden Retriever Club of America®, and the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Volunteers announce the Parade of Heroes. This parade is ONLY for study-participating Golden Retrievers as an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the dogs enrolled in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. Please join us for a tribute to these courageous Goldens, their loving families, and the dedicated volunteers supporting this study. We encourage our Angel Hero families to join us as well.

Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is a prospective, observational study that is following approximately 3000 golden retrievers, throughout their lifetimes, to identify the risk factors for cancer and other common diseases. For more information, please visit http://www.caninelifetimehealth.org.

Submit your entry with a brief (100 words or less), typewritten narrative about your hero Golden and include one funny or quirky thing about your dog. A special committee will select a few stories to read during the parade. The committee reserves the right to edit submitted material. Participants will be awarded rosettes.

Entry form is on Page 31 of the premium list and they are due on August 14th.

Better Living Center

Free for spectators
1305 Memorial Ave
West Springfield, MA 01089 United States
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